Quiz: The big winter quiz

big winter quiz- snowy landscape

Quiz: The big winter quiz

With winter in full swing, it’s time to test your class with our big winter quiz. This quiz is jam-packed with all different winter-themed questions to test pupils.

Our winter quiz is perfect for team-work as children can figure out the answers together and shout them out. Choose an answer as a class and see if you are right!

How many can your class get right?



How to play

Our big winter quiz is easy to play as a class divided into teams. All you have to do is share the screen so everyone can see it and read the questions out loud.

Get pupils to discuss what they think is the correct answer with their team. You can either have each team shout the answer out loud, or hand them mini whiteboards to write it down and show.


Ways to play the winter quiz

There are a few ways to transfer your classes’ answers onto our quiz. The competitive way can be seeing whichever answer comes up the most and choosing that. This way you can see who was right and who was wrong. You could also get one team to do it on the screen and see how many they get right and repeat for other teams.

Or if you don’t want a competition between teams, you can discuss the answers with the class and let them choose which one they go for together.

Once an answer has been selected on the screen, it will show if you are right or wrong. This will tally up and at the end you will see how many questions you got right.


Click the start button below and see how many your class can get right! Which team will be winter experts? And which team clearly prefers summer? Find out now!


How did your class do? We would love to know on our facebook!

We hope this big winter quiz gave some fun and joy to children now that school is back in full swing for the New Year. Whether your class are winter experts or are eagerly awaiting the summer, we hope our winter quiz has provided children with key knowledge of all things winter.

For some more quiz fun that you can enjoy yourself, check out our quiz ‘what should your teacher New Year’s Resolution be?’ Perfect to improve your work life and make 2023 your year.

<a href="https://staging.blog.hope-education.co.uk/author/ebony-feasey/" target="_self">Ebony Feasey</a>

Ebony Feasey

Hope blog writer

5 January 2023

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