Quiz: what to gift your colleagues for Christmas

Quiz: What to gift your colleagues for Christmas


Christmas is fast approaching and the scramble for gift ideas is beginning.

As the Christmas break is nearing, teachers will be thinking of what to gift their colleagues for Christmas. Whether it’s for a secret Santa or just for your friends, it can be a difficult task. To help you with perfect gift ideas, we have created this quiz that will generate a type of gift depending on your answers.

Have a bit of fun and take our quiz now to make sure you don’t get stuck overthinking your presents this year.



How to play

Our what to gift your colleagues for Christmas quiz is easy to play. Just answer the questions honestly and think about the person you are gifting. If you don’t know the person well don’t worry, use what you do know about them to answer. There’s a mixture of general questions, as well as questions about the person you are gifting and random ones too.

Answer all 11 questions to discover what type of gift will be great for them. There’s a choice of 4 different outcomes that each have two ideas. This ensures that there’s always an alternative gift to pick if one doesn’t work for that person. Without being too much to choose from, leaving you even more stuck than before!

So go on get stuck into our what to gift your colleagues for Christmas quiz and get ready to put smiles on their faces with some amazing gift ideas.


Are you happy with the gift idea you have got? Has it helped you to finally stop overthinking colleagues presents? We hope that this fun quiz has given you plenty of gift ideas that suits the person you are buying for. No matter the budget, put a smile on their face and add a personal touch to these gift ideas to make it extra special.

Share your thoughts about this quiz with us on our facebook. We would love to know if this helped you get the right gift for Christmas.

Want some more Christmas quiz fun to break your day up? Check out our ‘which Christmas film character are you?’ quiz and see who you get.

<a href="https://staging.blog.hope-education.co.uk/author/ebony-feasey/" target="_self">Ebony Feasey</a>

Ebony Feasey

Hope blog writer

22 November 2022

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